There are only 4 kinds of social accounts

and other Wednesday musings

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  • There are only 4 kinds of social accounts

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There are only 4 kinds of social accounts

Are there actually only 4 types of social media accounts?

Of course not.

But… I’m hoping this simplified way of looking at things helps you evaluate your social media efforts and make a game plan for how to improve.

The 4 types of social media accounts:

1. Can build an audience, but can't convert them
"Popular But Broke"

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…

A million followers ain’t worth a dime if you can’t convert them.

Those scroll-stopping posts that cast a wide net are an incredible tool, but it has to be paired with content that establishes trust and authority so that you’re able to drive the business forward.

2. Can convert an audience, but can't build one
"Reliant on Ads"

Let’s say you have the best sales copywriter on the planet.

Everyone that reads the script buys the product.

If you don’t have an audience, nobody will see the content.

This means that you have to pay for an audience by way of ads.

Nothing wrong with this approach, but what if Facebook/YouTube/TikTok/etc. wakes up tomorrow and triples your CPM?

What if they make your industry a “restricted category"?

Again, paid ads are an incredible tool, but why limit yourself to the one channel?

3. Can't do either
"Useless as a screen door on a submarine"

I don’t think this one really needs an explanation…

These accounts don’t have a following and don’t drive sales.

4. Can build AND convert an audience
"The Unicorn" 🦄 

Calling this type “The Unicorn” makes it sound way less attainable than it actually is.

This is the magic that happens when you combine audience intelligence with smart content distribution.


That’s all well and good, but what do you actually do once you determine what category your account is in?

1. Can build an audience, but can't convert them

You increase the volume of content that build authority.

This is not the same as posting content that sells.

A relatable industry meme might drive a ton of followers, but a practical explanation of an incredibly valuable concept that’s important to your followers will drive authority.

You can’t have sales without perceived authority.

2. Can convert an audience, but can't build one

The smaller your audience, the quicker you’ll squeeze it dry.

If I only have 1 follower, it doesn’t matter if my conversion rate is 100%… I can only sell one time.

The solution?

Increase the sizzle. 🔥 

Post more content that has a broader appeal and invites shares.

Relatable memes, OMG stories, etc.

To get more accounts to follow you, you need to get in front of more accounts. 💡 

Ergo… post more content that gets in front of more accounts.

That influx of new followers will build trust as you continue posting the authority content.

3. Can't do either

Follow the 1, 2 punch. 🥊 

Build an audience first. (With some authority content sprinkled in.)

Then when you have a critical mass, ramp up the authority content and then eventually introduce content to drive sales.

Why build an audience first? You can’t convert an audience you don’t have.

4. Can build AND convert an audience

Stop reading my newsletter and start writing your own!