can you post more product promos?

and other Wednesday musings

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Post more product promos…

Ever hear this from your boss?

“Can you post more product promos???”

Try replying with this analogy:

(A good chunk of this is borrowed from my friend Zach Galia, Social Media Director at the Pittsburgh Pirates)

'Sizzle, Safety, Sales'

Here are the types of content we’re have at our disposal.


This is our attention-grabbing content. It's relatable, entertaining, and shareable. Think industry memes, hot takes, and relatable stories.


Build trust and authority. Share insights, data, and expertise that position we have as a thought leader.


Our promotional content.

We want most of our content to be in the sizzle category followed by the safety category, and finally the the sales category.

Best practice is to keep the sales category under 20% of your total content volume.

Why this works:

  • It mirrors the natural trust-building process

  • It keeps your audience engaged without feeling "sold to"

  • It allows for a variety of content types

Think of our social media presence like a bank account.

Content in the sizzle and safety categories are deposits.

Sales content are withdrawals. This doesn’t always mean saying “buy our product.”

It’s any time we turn the attention to our brand and not our audience. Of course this needs to be part of our strategy, but we need to be strategic to maximize the impact.

Essentially, we always want to keep our account in the black.

Hope that helps!