
and other Tuesday musings

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Most brand social accounts suck.

These 7 don't:

1. YouVersion

Sure I'm biased, since I used to run it, but I haven't touched it in 5 years

Their secret sauce?

Genuinely care about the audience.

They are building a community with every single post.

They listen, engage, and respond.

They understand the power of connection.

Every post is crafted with care, with the audience in mind.

Never underestimate a social media manager who genuinely cares about their audience.

2. beehiiv

I always say "nobody is refreshing their feed waiting for product updates."

Well beehiiv is the exception that proves the rule.

Beehiiv has cracked the code.

Their users are actually excited about PRODUCT UPDATES.


Simple. They listen to their community.

They deliver what users want. They make updates that matter.

3 of their top 5 posts OF ALL TIME are product updates.

Gold standard for brand social.

They’ve taken what many consider a boring software product and developed a cult of 400,000 followers that live and breathe on every word they post.

They’ve turned a simple software tool into a lifestyle.

4. DUDE Wipes

Their community management game is UNMATCHED.

Checkout my interaction with them a while back.

Be real, be funny, be engaging.

Build stronger connections.

Also… their cover photo reads, “The best clean, pants down.” 😂 

5. C4 Energy by Nutrabolt

Again... I'm biased since I have a C4 ADDICTION, but I'm a massive fan of the brand and accounts.

In less than 6 months, they managed to get 1 million likes through outbound comments.

It’s hard to measure just how big of an impact on the business this has.

Find out who your target audience is following and insert yourself into those conversations.

If you’re interested in following some of the crew behind this brand account…

I lied earlier.

DudeWipes community management game IS matched, but only by manscaped.

Spend an hour reading their replies.

Also, notice how they brilliantly changed their profile photo for Black Friday. What an awesome move.

I may or may not (absolutely, definitely, 100% will) steal this idea.

7. Benzinga

Obviously biased (again) cause this is my gig, but it's crazy how many media outlets still use social as a link storage device.

The goal is to make Benzinga the undisputed leader in financial media by delivering the BEST content in the BEST possible format.

Just getting started. 🚀

As always, if I can help in any way, reply and let me know!

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