I love typos/Target social idea

and other Wednesday musings

Good morning!

Welcome to Social Studies.

Here’s the agenda for today:

  • Brought to you by….

  • Free social media idea for Target

  • Newsletters I’m digging

  • I love typos

  • Friendly reminder

Brought to you by….

Looking for visuals and charts, rather than words, to understand the daily news?

Bay Area Times is a visual-based newsletter on business and tech, with 250,000+ subscribers.

Free social media idea for Target…

I saw that this target location has their logo on the roof.

My immediate thought was those dudes on TikTok who say “send me a picture and I’ll tell you the address.”

Creepy af how they pull it off. 💀 

Then I realized that doing that would be way to easy cause only like 3 stores have this (all near big airports).

I still think the idea is solid though just needs some editing.

Instead of the rooftop thing just take a picture of a storefront (or a small portion of one).

Something like 2,000 different locations to choose from.

Tag one of those stalker dudes and say $100 if you can tell us what store number this is.

Reasons why I like it:

  • $100 is way cheaper than any decent UGC you’re gonna get.

  • Costs virtually nothing to pilot.

  • This style of video is addictive and scalable.

  • No companies are using this format. (I could be wrong but I scroll social for a living and haven’t seen it)

  • Seems like an obvious brand tie in with the logo/name.

Reasons it might not work:

  • No idea if the audience of these accounts shops at Target

(Tbh that’s kind of the most important question but for such a low cost, why not roll the dice and see what happens?)

Newsletters I’m digging…

The Koerner OfficeTactics for starting and growing businesses and real estate holdings.
BuyologyConvert every visitor into a buyer with carefully curated marketing developments and actionable insights in less than 5 minutes a day alongside readers from companies like Amazon, Hubspot, Liquid D...
The Creator Blueprint by Ish VerduzcoI spent the last 10 years working at LinkedIn, Snapchat, and a16z. Now I'm sharing everything I've learned along the way.
Marketing ScrollGet the latest marketing news in 60 word pieces - all in just 3 minutes a day.

I love typos ❤️ 

Most 7 year olds can write better than me.

Luckily, people on social media don’t care how good you write.

I’m a self proclaimed big idea guy.

I surround myself with detail people because I’m piss poor with them.

It’s honestly shocking that I spell my name right most days.

But I’ve noticed that people really don’t care if you use apostrophes or the proper verb conjugation.

They say, “Write how you talk.”

Well… I grew up in Missouruh and have spent the last 5 years between Oklahoma and Arkansas.

I talk with a lotta typos.

I pause. I stutter. I stumble. I think. I backtrack.

Don’t get me wrong… write like you’ve at least heard a few words before.

But people scrolling social aren’t expecting to read a textbook.

They want REAL… not “right.”

Sometimes the best content comes from screw ups.

When I was at YouVersion I never accidentally posted “Hate your neighbor.” but it’s entirely possible I would’ve posted, “God is food.” (Stupid g and f are too close together…. Jesus is the bread of life of tho.)

How funny would it be to quote tweet a screw up like that and use an AI image of a piece of pizza watching down on us from heaven.

That stuff is relatable. We all mess up.

I saw someone post the other day about how they have exceptional attention to detail.

He credited that to why he went viral and had a post with 50k views.

That’s awesome. I’m honestly happy for him.

But to all my fellow writers who would rather be real than be right…

Here’s your reminder that the audience only cares about value… not that god forsaken AP style.

Friendly reminder 😃

The Social Studies Community is hosting our first event this Thursday.

Chatting live with Ish Verduzco. He's the social lead at Andreessen Horowitz. He's taken their crypto accounts from 0 to 100k in less than a year.

If you’re interested in joining, apply to the community below!