How to steal content

and other Wednesday musings

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How to steal content…

Every comedian talks about marriage.

Does that mean one of them is original and the rest are good-for-nothing dirty rotten joke stealers?

Of course not.

Marriage is a universal experience.

Experiencing difficulty in marriage is a universal experience.

It's relatable.

Seven comedians talking about how marriage is hard doesn't mean there's plagiarism.

It's not about having an original idea, but a fresh take/experience/perspective on that idea.

Here's what I mean...

The message "Consistency in sales is crucial for success" is an unoriginal idea.

Every AE and SDR on LinkedIn has posted about it.

But they post about it in different ways.

One might say: "When I was a JV cross country runner, I heard my coach say the same quote 103 days in a row. I counted. Here's what it taught me about sales..."

Another might hook you with: "Unless these 3 things are true... You should probably quit your sales job."

Or the classic format:

"What you see: Success

What’s behind the scenes: Failure. Failure. Failure. Failure. Failure. Success."

Your ideas don't have to be original because you are original.

Your experience layered on to a common topic makes for great content.

"Good artists copy, great artists steal." - Pablo Picasso

Controversial? Maybe.

Effective for growth? Absolutely.

How to "steal" ethically:

Study top performers in your niche Identify core themes in their most popular posts

Ask: "What's my take on this?" (Credit inspirations when appropriate)

Remember: You're not copying content. You're using proven topics and tactics as springboards for your own insights.

Challenge: Find a top-performing post in your industry. How can you approach the same topic, but from an angle that nobody else could come up with.

Hope that helps!


If your business/brand/company needs help scaling content, shoot me a DM.

I’ve recently become a partner in a content agency.

Content agencies are a dime a dozen, what makes this one different?

Attributable ROI

Send me a message, if you’d like to chat!